Craniosacral therapy (in person)
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body.
Descrição do serviço
Gain access to re-energizing your physical and mental potential. Booking to be done via mail: | Payment to be done 48h in advance, as well as annulations/changes (weekdays), otherwise your session will be charged. BE48 3631 9258 2527 or international payments can be done via paypal: or via, . Please send me a proof of payment too via mail, thank you. If you haven't done so, I won't be able to confirm the meeting and it will be annulled.

Política de Cancelamento
The program requires that any notice of cancellation or withdrawal by a student must be provided by certified mail : Admission Denials An applicant who is denied admission into the program is entitled to a full refund of all money paid by said applicant.
Informações de contato
Mérode/Merode, Chaussée de Tervueren, Brussels, Belgium
0032474 79 55 60